Thursday, March 4, 2010

How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones.”
Psalm 116:15

Perhaps this is a little morbid, but I sometimes wonder, “If I died right now, what would people remember about me and say of me at my funeral?”

(Does anyone else ever ask themselves this question?!?)

- Would they remember that I complained a lot?

-Would they remember my disrespectful attitude?

-Would they remember my self-centered outlook on life?

That’s not what I want! But all those things are true about me...

The week before last one of my Dad’s uncles died, and his funeral was such a blessing. He was a pastor with a real heart for the sick; he and my aunt would spend hours at the hospitals, visiting and praying with the sick and their families. I know, because they often visited my grandparents when they were sick and dying.

But anyway, as I sat at his funeral listening to the minister preach and speak about the impact of Uncle Joe’s life, I thought- “That’s what I want at my funeral!” Another thing I thought of was the story of Michael Billings. Some of you may be familiar with his story, as it is set forth in the book, Life is but a Vapor: The Life and Legacy of Michael G. Billings.

As I read the aforementioned book (which I would list as one of the five most influential books I’ve ever read), I was convicted as I saw the number of people who were touched by Michael’s life, and who genuinely loved and admired him. Would people have any reason to write or speak of me the way they did of Michael Billings?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. I would not want any little girls to travel down the paths I was once on. I have many regrets from my past, as I am sure we all do.

But I want the answer to the above question to be yes. It is my desire to leave a legacy of godliness-- particularly godly womanhood, to the next generation.

Yet my heart is so prone to wander from the God I love, as the hymn says, and from His paths, as well.

Even though when I die I will never know what others will say about me, I want them to bring glory to God. And that’s what matters, I suppose. It’s not what others say about me that matters-- it’ what they say about what God did in my life!

I want to be remembered for being Christlike. But to be remembered that way, I must live that way!!!

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