Wednesday, March 24, 2010

R.M. M'Cheyne on the Believer's Life

I thought this was a wonderful, thought-provoking passage from the pen of R.M. M'Cheyne:

"A Believer is to be known not only by his peace and joy, but by his warfare and distress. His peace is peculiar: it flows from Christ; it is heavenly, it is holy peace. His warfare is peculiar: it is deep-seated, agonising, and ceases not until death...Coming to Christ takes away your fear of the law; but it is the Holy Spirit coming into your heart that makes you love the law. The Holy Spirit is no longer frightened away from your heart; He comes and softens it; He takes out the stony heart and puts in a heart of flesh; and there He writes the holy, holy, holy law of God... the law of God is sweet to that soul... Oh that all the world but knew that holiness and happiness are one! Oh that all the world were one holy family, joyfully coming under the pure rules of the gospel! Try yourselves by this. Can you say, "I delight", etc? Do you remember when you hated the law of God? Do you love it now? Do you long for the time when you shall live fully under it- holy as God is holy, pure as Christ is pure?"

Robert Murray M'Cheyne

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