I know that it's Friday already, but I wanted to share with everyone some of my notes from Mrs. Victoria Botkin's Monday Evening Webinars.
I'd like to start out with a definition Mrs. Botkin gave- "Sin: Disobeying God’s instructions to us". I don't know about the rest of you, but I sometimes think, "Oh, I don't sin too much...I'm not nearly as bad as (fill in the blank)." I was so convicted about my sinful tendency to think far better of myself than I ought to. It's like what Robert Murray M'Cheyne said, "God is a sovereign God. Do not cry to Him to convert you, as if it were a debt He owed you. There is only one thing you can claim from God as a right, and that is a place in hell. If you think you have any claim on God, you are deceiving yourself.” Ouch!
I know many of us can get caught up in the question of "What defines Biblical Femininity?" and I thought Mrs. Botkin's answer was excellent: "Biblical femininity is about women helping their husbands." (And I would add that it is also about daughters helping their fathers.)
She also encouraged wives to be frugal, as that was a way of helping their husbands. As a young lady who hopes to be married someday, this was something I hadn't thought about before! But it's true. When we as daughters are not frugal, it places a burden on our fathers that we can help lift when we are frugal. This was so interesting to me, that I looked up the definition of "frugal"- characterized by thriftiness and avoidance of waste . Even more than this, though, Mrs. Botkin pointed out that when we are not frugal, we are being discontent. Here's what she said- "When we are not content with when God has provided, we are finding fault with God- even despising Him." Ouch again!
God Bless, and have a great day!
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